Televsion affects more people than any other medium. It shapes how we perceive things. Most people get information through television. "Though we are currently witnessing the rise of new digital media, television remains the most widely accesible mass media"(Barker, 315). He breaks down how television is interpreted. One of the topics he talks about is what is considered news. "What is news" is talked about in journalism classes. They get straight to the point. For example, the news is straight to the point. Some stories have more air time, while others are cut short. Lately, it's been about the Nov. 2nd vote. Who's going to be governor? Barker then talks about television using soap operas as another example. Soap operas have a certain criteria in which they fit in. The story line and the location all play a part. We also watched the movie, "Team America" World Police. I haven't seen in so long, but the story line involved a re-enactment of Bin Laden and terriost attacks. While this movie was funny, it also depicted images of reality. But this movie ties to Chapter 10 because it deals with how someone could interpret terriost attacks versus seeing images on youtube.
Chris Barker. Cultural Studies Theory and Practice. Third Edition. Chapter 10.
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