Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Culture: Politics Gives it A new Meaning

The article first talked about the general definition of culture. When I hear the word "culture", I think of an identity or something traditional. I also think culture allows people to have an understanding of other cultures. As I continued to read the article, "The Politics of Culture", it placed an emphasis on politics and the influence it has on culture. Culture meant a form of "rebellion against capitalism" (Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan). It sounds as if media( televeision, radio, or film) is supposed to make the working class believe that it's okay to live just within their means. Television allows people to believe that what they have is not good enough. The article also gives an example of this need for society to look thin. Culture, in this meaning is used as power or resistance. If more people saw others like them, there might be a decrease in the number of people who might go to the extremes to achieve that. Coporations however need people to feel unsatisfied to make money. Money is power.

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